Passion Fruit Broiled Salmon Fillets

Passion Fruit Broiled Salmon Fillets

4  (4-oz.) salmon fillets
2 cloves garlic, finely minced
1 tbsp. finely minced shallots
2 tsp. fresh thyme leaves, chopped, plus more for garnish

2 tsp. fresh rosemary, chopped

3 tbsp. Passion Fruit Oil

Lime Juice, and freshly sliced limes





1. Turn oven on Broil. Line baking sheet with parchment paper and lay salmon fillets on top. 

2. In a bowl mix the chopped garlic, chalets, thyme, rosemary, oil and lime juice. Mix together and brush evenly across the salmon fillets. 

3. Take salt and pepper and garnish the top of salmon fillets, then place them in the oven for 7-8 min. 

4. Once ready, garnish with lemon slices and more thyme. 





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